
DIY Camera Obscura

DIY Camera Obscura

How to make the sunrise in your bedroom every morning. Many artists have used the Camera Obscura over the years, now make your own. – an optical experiment easy to do, but which, in spite of its simplicity, is able to give you a continuous marvel. What you have to do is simply mount a lens on the bedroom window. In this way, when you wake up in the morning, you will admire the outside scene projected on a wall of your bedroom. Link.

HOW TO – Build a alt=

HOW TO – Build a $1 compound microscope

Micro“…construction of a very simple low-cost compound microscope. As shown in Figure 1, the microscope we describe is one that just about anyone can build and will produce a magnification of about 75 times. Microscopes may be thought of as very intricate and mysterious instruments but in reality, they are not as complicated as one may think. Building this simple instrument is not only a fun project, it will help you understand how microscopes work.” Thanks Rick! Link.

Make your own postage stamps

Make your own postage stamps

StampsThere are a few services out there that allow you to make your own postage stamps and here’s a new one from Yahoo! In a few simple steps you’ll be configuring your stamps online with our simple customization tool. In days, you’ll receive your stamps in the mail, ready for use! All you need is a Yahoo! Photos account. I’ll eventually try this out once they allow you to use Flickr photos, I really want a LM555 timer chip stamp to send to friends, or other geeky stamps. [via] Link.