
DIY Fractal Antenna for Digital TV

DIY Fractal Antenna for Digital TV

Spotted in the MAKE Flickr Pool, this homemade fractal antenna for digital television signals by Roy Jacobsen of Fargo, ND. Instructions for, and discussions of, similar designs are available in this Instructable from William Ruckman. Judging from the comments over there, folks who have built their own fractal antennae are quite pleased with how they […]

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Open Modular Controller Framework

Open Modular Controller Framework

If you produce music using a computer and off the shelf gear isn’t cutting it for you, check out FuzzyWobble‘s Framework For Making Affordable & Stylish Modular Controllers instructable and build yourself the controller you’ve always wanted. Under the hood he’s using a Teensyduino to act as native MIDI/USB/HID device, while the exterior is laser […]

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Handy Bowl

Handy Bowl

In fact, this Addams Family-evoking bowl made from interlocking sections of laser-cut ply is the second of Instructables user PenfoldPlant’s projects we have covered, the first being this giant hand-shaped snow sculpture from January of last year. Offhand, I’d say he’s got a bit of a fixation. On the other hand, it might just reflect […]

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How-To: Screwdriver Cutlery

How-To: Screwdriver Cutlery

Even if you don’t fancy the idea of a fork, knife, spoon, sporks, spife, knork or other eating utensil with an acrylic screwdriver handle, I was interested to discover, in this Instructable by user Patenteux du Nord, that these common plastic tool handles can be easily removed and )at least to some extent) interchanged by first softening the plastic with heat.

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How-To:  Rifle Shell Pen Body

How-To: Rifle Shell Pen Body

I have before identified Instructables user Mrballeng as a craftsman’s craftsman, and this latest offering only serves to reinforce that opinion. His work is not flashy or complex, but it’s always thought out with exacting detail and does amazing things with everyday materials. Here, he uses a mini-lathe to bore, swage, and align two .30-06 cartridge cases before soldering them together, at the joint, and fitting the guts of a refillable plastic click-pen inside. Cool stuff.

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How-To: “Privacy Monitor” LCD Panel Mod

How-To: “Privacy Monitor” LCD Panel Mod

Instructables user dimovi took an old LCD monitor and moved the top polarizer from the surface of the screen to a pair of glasses worn by the user. Others who look at the monitor, without the polarized glasses, see only a white rectangle. Besides the übergeek cool factor, the mod could be quite useful if you’re concerned about folks looking over your shoulder at the coffee shop.

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Pocket Size Espresso Machine

Pocket Size Espresso Machine

Instructables user urant shows us how to turn some copper pipe fittings, lead-free solder, a plastic syringe, and a few odd bits of hardware into a truly pocket-sized espresso maker, complete with integral alcohol stove and boiler.

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