Needle-Felted Pong Necklace
Moxie gives a nod to the vintage video game Pong with her needle-felted wearable pong tribute necklace. Pretty awesome! Also her deco-bump ring reminds me of Katamari. Available in her Etsy shop. [ via ] Link.
Moxie gives a nod to the vintage video game Pong with her needle-felted wearable pong tribute necklace. Pretty awesome! Also her deco-bump ring reminds me of Katamari. Available in her Etsy shop. [ via ] Link.
The neighborhood where I live in Williamsburg, Brooklyn has a really high concentration of crafty people and shops. I started visiting these people so I can share their stories and work with the readers of the Craft blog. Last week was Wendy Yang of Maiden Hong Kong. This week… I talked to Lisa Levine from […]
What are you looking at? Let’s have Maitreya from Craftlog explain: The Wikipedia Genetic code entry has a table to break the code or encode your own name (U=>T if you prefer DNA to RNA). Note that not all letters are represented since there are only 20 amino acids plus X for stop. You can […]
Fiona Killackey at Cool Hunting writes: Plenty are on the “let’s recycle and reuse” bandwagon these days but few have looked at really reusing what we have quite like Melbourne-based jewelry designer Polly van der Glas. Sourcing her materials from friends and family who have been kind enough to offer (actual) parts of themselves, van […]
Like many others, I’ve been bitten by the “new year, fresh start” bug and have been spending some time re-organizing my apartment. I came across a beloved but rarely-used fabric purse in my closet and decided to pin my (mostly handmade) brooch collection to it. Now I can grab what I need without digging through […]
Show your dedication to rock’n’roll with this killer felted guitar necklace by Etsy seller 3FUN. Link.
Phil @ MAKE just did an awesome ring roundup post this weekend, including these nut and bolt wedding rings. Link. Related: Coffee Cup Ring – Link. Handscape Rings – Link. Enchanted Forest Rings – Link.