Shop Class of the Future … on Wheels
Three product designers ask the musical question: “How would you stuff the spirit of MAKE and Maker Faire into the space of a taco truck, so you could drive around and deliver making to kids everywhere?”
Three product designers ask the musical question: “How would you stuff the spirit of MAKE and Maker Faire into the space of a taco truck, so you could drive around and deliver making to kids everywhere?”
The Goodie Monster is a refurbed vending machine that serves tasty, healthy, local, organic, affordable, and lovingly-made snacks.
You probably all remember Printrbot, the quick-build, low-cost 3D printer design from Brook Drumm that took Kickstarter by storm, last year. Brook’s stated funding goal for the project was $25,000, and it ended up netting more than $830,000. Since that time, unsurprisingly, Brook has been a very busy man. Saturday we got the interesting news […]
UPDATE (1/26/2012 2:56 pm Pacific: Kickstarter funding for the eye3 project was canceled by the project creator. UPDATE: Since posting this, I’ve received a number of emails about this Kickstarter project and Lumenlab, the company behind it. Some people have complained that they have placed large orders for Lumenlab kits but have not received them. […]
Yesterday Kickstarter, a popular crowd-funding platform, launched their 2011 year in review of success stories, highlighting four categories of projects: Dreaming Big, Civic Projects, Current Events, and my favorite, DIY Manufacturing!
The year 2011 was abuzz with news of makers and making. From The Economist to Forbes, to Dale Dougherty (MAKE founder) being recognized by the White House, political and business leaders recognized that small companies and startups drive the economy, and that increasingly, innovation for these new ventures is coming from a rapidly growing maker business community.
Check out The Playa Time Lapse Project, which captured a bird’s eye view of 27 days of Burning Man set up, break down, and lots of burning. And it all fit into a five minute video. The view is stunning. If you appreciate it, consider helping to fund the next one. Playa Time Lapse 2.0 is live on Kickstarter. Support now and get prints from the Burning Man gallery!