Kids & Family

Robotic sea bream

Pink Tentacle points us to this amazing looking sea bream robot. Tai-robot-kun’s creator, professor Ikuo Yamamoto, says the robot can easily be mass-produced, outfitted with various cameras and sensors, and released into the sea to perform a wide range of oceanographic survey tasks. He adds that because the robot swims silently and looks like a […]

Bruce Gray kinetic musical sculpture

Tyler over at Oddstrument Collection did a wonderful interview with sculptor Bruce Gray. I really love this piece of his, it’s all jangly and clashy. BG: I think that any sculpture that is designed to produce at least one musical tone can be considered a musical sculpture. Many of my sculptures could also have multiple […]

DIY Spectroscope

It isn’t that often that you can make a functioning scientific instrument from recycled junk lying around your house. The video shows you how to make a spectroscope out of a cardboard tube an old CD and some card-stock. Looks like a fun project to make with the kids. DIY Spectroscope Save money with this […]

Beatles music, deconstructed

Beatles music, deconstructed

If you’re interested in how music is made, Kevin Futhey found this fascinating article about part of what, musically, made the Beatles be the Beatles, and helps us understand a little of why they had such a revolutionary effect on music. I’ve been reading Daniel Levitin’s book, This is Your Brain On Music; it’s really […]