
13 Steps to Make a Cylindrical Wooden Enclosure

Want to make a wooden enclosure in the shape of a tube? This project uses scrap pine, cut into ring shapes and then glued. You can then smooth the outside in a lathe, then cut it open to add the guts of the project.

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How to Build a CNC-Milled Orrery

How to Build a CNC-Milled Orrery

Ken Condal’s fantastic orrery took ten months to build and contains 30 gears. He began his work by modeling the orrery in 3DS MAX, then milling out all of the brass gears in his workshop. He also created the planets on a lathe using exotic wood, like using zebrawood for Jupiter.

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Turning a Bowl from a Chunk of Sequoia

Turning a Bowl from a Chunk of Sequoia

Frank Howarth had milled some big pieces of Sequoia with a friend, but had some odd pieces leftover. He decided to take one and turn quite a large bowl from it.

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A Foot-Powered Lathe

A Foot-Powered Lathe

Youtube user QueticoChris uses an old cast-iron flywheel and vintage building techniques to design and make an efficient foot-powered wood lathe.

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Lego Mindstorms Lathe

Lego Mindstorms Lathe

Arthur Sacek‘s lathe works on floral foam. A project he has been working on since 2005, Arthur recently rebuilt the lathe using the still-robust RCX microcontroller brick, the precursor to the soon-to-be-replaced NXT brick. [via The NXT Step]

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