make magazine

Gauging Performance Between Compressed Air Rocket Mods

Gauging Performance Between Compressed Air Rocket Mods

A magazine reader is looking for ideas on ways to measure the differences between various Compressed Air Rocket mods for an upcoming Cub Scout picnic. Have any ideas? Please share them in the comments!

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Bacteria Battery from MAKE Volume 30

How-To: Bacteria Battery

Did you know you can generate electricity from the “metal-breathing” anaerobic bacteria found in ordinary mud? Having no oxygen to breathe, these bacteria produce energy for their growth by transferring electrons to clumps of rust and other metal oxides, in a process called dissimilatory metal reduction. Dr. Ashley Franks, director of K–12 outreach at the […]

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Lily Pad Pool Warmers from MAKE Volume 23

How-To: Lily Pad Pool Warmers

With temperatures on the rise and the first day of summer only 3 weeks away, pool season is just about upon us. Back in MAKE Volume 23, rocket engineer Edward Hujsak shared an efficient, low-cost, safe, and easy way to warm your pool. His project is the Lily Pad pool warmers, and they’re essentially made […]

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You Find Makers in the Strangest Places, or My Dentist Built the Squelette Amp

You Find Makers in the Strangest Places, or My Dentist Built the Squelette Amp

I was at my prosthodontist’s office the other day getting some work done and the conversation turned to what I do for work. I told my dentist, Vu Huynh, DMD that I worked as a Web Producer for MAKE magazine. He almost dropped the cheek clamps (not a real thing…). He’s a subscriber and a […]

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Yakitori Grill from MAKE Volume 30

How-To: Rolled Sheet Metal Yakitori Grill

When longtime MAKE contributing writer Bob Knetzger took a trip to Japan, one of his most memorable experiences was sampling the sizzling street-side grills. In his intro he writes: Unlike big American grills that cook anything from burgers to ribs to steaks, these specially sized grills were designed to do one thing and one thing […]

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