Use a Vinyl Cutter to Design Stencils for Spray Painting
While it’s an older practice, stenciling continues to have modern relevance, especially with new techniques afforded by digital cutting tools.
Make: Volume 57 is our annual boards blowout, an examination of the latest from the world of microcontrollers and single-board computers. These prototyping devices are more powerful than ever, with the latest crop now capable of machine-learning tasks such as instantly identifying objects and driving autonomous vehicles. Meanwhile, new board ecosystems have started popping up, giving makers some great alternatives to the venerable classics. Our boards guide insert will help readers figure out what is right for their project. The issue also includes profiles of notable people and companies in this space, with a large featured on Limor Fried, Adafruit’s pioneering open-source engineer/CEO. And, as always, a range of projects to keep you busy in your workshops and makerspaces.
While it’s an older practice, stenciling continues to have modern relevance, especially with new techniques afforded by digital cutting tools.
Running an open source hardware and software company has its rewards. But it also has its challenges. Espruino is no different.
These eight boards stand out for their advanced specs, built-in offerings, and, in some cases, their innovative interface options.
alt.ctrl.GDC showcases wild and weird control schemes that create a whole new kind of unique immersion for video games.
The Voltera V-One minimizes the mess and makes DIY printed circuit board (PCB) production more accurate and automated.
Make: did a live unboxing of Make: magazine Volume 57. Also, just a weekly reminder to buy a Mother’s Day gift and your Maker Faire tickets.
In an interview with Ran Ma, CEO of Siren Care, Ma explains the importance of crafting a non-obtrusive wearable to help those with diabetes.