Maker Faires’ Greatest Hits, 2014 Edition
In addition to Maker Faire Bay Area and Maker Faire New York, I visited perhaps a dozen other Faires, from Oslo to Tokyo.
In addition to Maker Faire Bay Area and Maker Faire New York, I visited perhaps a dozen other Faires, from Oslo to Tokyo.
In case you missed it, here are some of our favorite moments from Maker Faire Bay Area depicted in the greatest of internet forms: the GIF.
Nearly 30 videos from the center stage at Maker Faire Bay Area have just been released. Take some time to enjoy!
Add a little leg room to those jeans this weekend at Maker Faire Bay Area as Seamstress Erin shows you how to turn old jeans in a skirt.
You don’t have to hate T-shirts to enjoy slashing them!
Look out for exciting exhibits and presenters focused on our off-world future at Maker Faire Bay Area 2014.
If you’ve got an awesome project you want to show off to the community at the largest DIY festival on Earth, you only have a few more days to get your application in.