Maker Pro News: Keeping Adafruit Fresh, Fidget Spinner Innovation, and More
This week saw maker pros talking about dev boards as Limor Fried recounts the history of Adafruit and Dale Dougherty questions Arduino’s CEO.
Maker Pros are the innovators that are designing tomorrow’s products and businesses. Stay tuned for the latest news on manufacturing, startups, and industry trends.
This week saw maker pros talking about dev boards as Limor Fried recounts the history of Adafruit and Dale Dougherty questions Arduino’s CEO.
Spice Mama wants to bring consumers healthy Indian spice options free of additives and preservatives.
Adafruit was founded in a dorm room by MIT engineer Limor “Ladyada” Fried as an online learning resource and marketplace for DIY electronics.
Shaun Hughes engraves coins with intricate and beautiful designs. His designs run from whimsical to intricate patterns and scroll engravings.
Cacoco makes a drinkable crumble chocolate that they like to call “the molten chocolate vitality elixir” with 100% compostable packing.
There were quite a few announcements in the maker pro space this past week. There are a lot of tech hardware changes too.
Peter Overgaag is reinventing agriculture by selling leafy lettuce that is packaged with their roots and soil in greenhouse bags.