
Maker Business: Wayne and Layne

Maker Business: Wayne and Layne

Maker businesses are all about the people, nd these guys are two of my favorites. Adam and Matt of Wayne and Layne rock. They are incredibly bright engineers and hilarious dudes whom I think should have their own podcast in order to crack us up year round

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SparkFun founder Nathan Seidle to speak at MIT 3/29

SparkFun founder Nathan Seidle to speak at MIT 3/29

MIT professor and LilyPad Arduino creator Leah Buechley writes in: Nathan Seidle, the founder & CEO of SparkFun Electronics, is giving a talk this coming Monday about the history of SparkFun. If you’re interested in starting a business with $0 of investment capital, building a profitable company around open-source technology, designing electronics for manufacturability, or […]

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Collin’s Lab: Kit-making

Collin’s Lab: Kit-making

When recently faced with the dauntingly tedious task of assembling my first-ever batch of electronics kits, I was lucky enough to have the ever-helpful eye of seasoned kit-maker Becky Stern close by. While observing my one-man assembly ‘process’, Becky advised a more efficient, modular assembly line technique using intermediary storage vessels better known as “plastic cups”. Streamlining the process left me with plenty of time to cook up some some unusually fancy title/motion graphics for the above-seen video.

For more info + related links, head over to –

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Welcome — Tones Dem Tones, Damn Ringtones

Shouldn’t people make their own ringtones, not buy them?

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