
RobotsConf 2013: Mission Accomplished!

RobotsConf 2013: Mission Accomplished!

RobotsConf, a new conference designed to transform coders into makers, was a huge success!

I spoke with conference curators Chris and Laura Williams before the event. They had an audacious plan, and I wondered if it would work. I’ve attended many tech conferences and maker events, but never one with this format – a format which was later referred to as “sleep-away maker camp” by an attendee.

inForm: An Ephemeral Construction Machine

Disruptive or revolutionary technology are terms that get tossed around rather liberally. But one look at the MIT Media Lab’s inForm project and it’s hard not think you are looking at the future. Combining elements of Kinect, 3D printing, and telepresence, inForm heralds something very new and, I dare say, revolutionary. inForm was a collaboration between research assistant Sean Follmer and Daniel Leithinger at Heroshi Ishii’s Tangible Media Group in the MIT Media Lab. What exactly is it and how might it be used? Jay Silver interviewed Sean Follmer to learn more.

I [heart] The Art of Tinkering

I [heart] The Art of Tinkering

We at MAKE love The Tinkering Studio at the Exploratorium in San Francisco, so when we heard that its directors, Karen Wilkinson and Mike Petrich, were going to capture their community of artists and engineers (“Tinkerers”) into the pages of a book called The Art of Tinkering, we couldn’t wait to get our hands on it. And you know what? They have exceeded my very high hopes for what they’d create.