Building a Life-Size Replica of Poe Dameron’s X-Wing
You know you want to get up into the cockpit of this X-Wing.
You know you want to get up into the cockpit of this X-Wing.
This past week we were thrilled to see the amazing flight of Rebecca and Kimberly Yeung’s Loki Lego Launcher and we reminisced on MFBA16.
This Terminator T800 replica is life-sized, posable, and meticulously crafted. It took creator Jamie Staff 4 years to complete.
“Why worry? Each of us is wearing an unlicensed nuclear accelerator on his back.” That could be you with this DIY Ghostbusters Proton Pack!
Our favorite Star Wars drone spaceship builder is at it again, this time with the best parody ship possible.
Cold casting is a technique that allows you to get metallic props that are magnetic, can be buffed to a shine, or artfully rusted.
The 2016 Las Vegas Mini Maker Faire wowed with art cars, interactive glowing art, deconstruction/construction zones, drones, and more.