
How-To: Colander Lights

The Sampler shows us a great colander light how-to from Eleanor of Stylish Crafts — I love her bold bright colors, just in time for spring! Plastic colanders are cheap and easy to manipulate, and they look great hanging in nested clusters. For a simpler look, use natural (full spectrum) or soft white bulbs instead […]

Stratasys at Make: Day

Stratasys at Make: Day

We’ve seen some awesome projects involving 3D printers over the last few years on the MAKE Blog. That same creativity drove Scott Crump, CEO of Stratasys, Inc., to set out and make his own 3D printer back in 1988. Since then, their business has grown, but Stratasys still wants to connect with Makers, builders and […]

My Vac-U-Formative years

My Vac-U-Formative years

When these images showed up on Gizmodo, Oh Gizmo! and then started making the email rounds, long-dormant neural pathways lit up like a 60s Christmas tree, the kind with bulbs so big and hot they could roast chestnuts. It was under such a radiant Christmas tree that I found that exact same Mattel Vac-U-Form kit […]