
Plywood chair bonanza

Plywood chair bonanza

I love no-frills plywood furniture. Admittedly, some of these look about as comfortable as a burlap sack full of rocks, but still, big points for minimalism and DIY aesthetics. They’re for sale, by designers ROLU, but geez, if you’re gonna own something that looks like you made it yourself you might as well have the pleasure, and the pride, of actually having made it yourself. Good for inspiration, though. [via Core77]

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Peter Hennessey’s 1:1 plywood space vehicles

Peter Hennessey’s 1:1 plywood space vehicles

Found on Designboom: This wooden replica of the Hubble, created by artist Pete Hennessey of Melbourne, Australia. But wait, there’s more: he’s done recreations of Voyager, Mission Control, and a superbad version of the Lunar Rover, above.

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Impressive laser-cut Mars rover model…er, kinda

Impressive laser-cut Mars rover model…er, kinda

This elaborate laser-cut plywood “Spirit” model is one of many cool designs available from They sell PDF plans, EPS files, and parts kits. Caveat: This image, and pretty much every image I can find on their website, is a computer generated rendering. I’m sure their models go together in the real world just fine, but personally, I’d kinda like to see some photos that prove it. [Thanks, Rachel!]

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Ken Wallich’s Rok-Bak chair

Ken Wallich’s Rok-Bak chair

MAKE reader Ken Wallich built a couple of versions (one shown above) of Larry Cotton’s Rok-Bak chair project from MAKE, Volume 19 and shared them with us. The Rok-Bak is an amazingly comfortable chair that’s easy to make and is built from a single sheet of plywood. Here’s what Ken had to say about the […]

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