Power Racing Series

10 Things You Don’t Want to Miss at Maker Faire Detroit

Maker Faire Detroit is heading into its sixth year this weekend. With over 2,000 Maker exhibits, there’s a lot going on. Here’s what to see!

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FUBAR 1’s Race to Maker Faire

FUBAR 1’s Race to Maker Faire

With all of the bigger picture focus and flurry of activity around getting a Maker Faire together, it might be easy to forget that there are hundreds of smaller, but no less passionate organizational dramas going on, of countless late-night planning sessions, fundraising efforts, project builds, frantic last-minute organizing, packing, and travel, and everything else […]

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What Do Jurrassic Park, Twisted Metal, and Waffles Have in Common? Power Wheels Racing

What Do Jurrassic Park, Twisted Metal, and Waffles Have in Common? Power Wheels Racing

Coming to the 10th Annual Bay Area Maker Faire is the 7th season of Power Wheels racing. The Power Racing Series is a vaguely popular nerd “sport” that mods simple toy store ride-on plastic cars and converts them into $500 25mph electric racing machines. The series’ main take home is the “enforcement” of a tiny budget with sort […]

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At Maker Faire, Power Racing Cars Have Moxie

At Maker Faire, Power Racing Cars Have Moxie

The Power Racing Series is one of the most dynamic events at Maker Faire, as speed-demon hackerspace members race around a track in hacked and modded toy cars. One of the PPPRS events is a “moxie” challenge where racers perform silly stunts for the crowd.

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What are Your Favorite Maker Faire Memories?

What are Your Favorite Maker Faire Memories?

MAKE Asks: is a weekly column where we ask you, our readers, for responses to maker-related questions. We hope the column sparks interesting conversation and is a way for us to get to know more about each other.

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