
Fist-pumping controller for music performance

Fist-pumping controller for music performance

Haeyoung Kim, aka Bubblyfish, wanted to make an animating LED display controlled by her chiptune rock-out move, the fist pump. Her and some classmates put together this little space invader LED dude who animates when the wrist-mounted accelerometer is moved in one of a few recognized motions. They also made an instructable documenting the procedure […]

In the Makers Market:  Igaaks!

In the Makers Market: Igaaks!

No, it’s not a comic-book sound effect! Igaaks are a modern version of traditional Inuit snow goggles (Wikipedia), lovingly handcrafted by Paul Celmer of Raleigh/Durham, North Carolina, in a range of contemporary materials and finishes. Like their arctic forebears, Igaaks help prevent snow-blindness and improve the focus of distant objects, whether you’re at the pole or on the playa.