
Well-documented robotic snake

Well-documented robotic snake

This is a great example of a well documented group project. Their wiki has loads of information. There is sample code, parts lists, descriptions of the circuits, explanation of the components. Photo from Laboratory for Intelligent Mechanical Systems The robotic snake consists of a head segment and several body segments. The head segment houses the […]

US FIRST regional competitions

A few weekends ago I had the chance to check out the Northeast regionals for USFIRST in Boston. Above, Matt and Chris of Blackstone Valley Regional Vocational Technical High School, Team 61 tell about being involved. Here is a segment of one round of the competition: Norwell High School has a great robotics program mentored […]

Oomlout’s 3D traffic graph

Oomlout’s 3D traffic graph

To celebrate 60 days of web traffic on their site, open source kit makers Oomlout created a tangible graph using an acrylic base, hook-up wire, their automatic wire cutter, and some Arduino code. We’d like to think we had something to do with those long wires. 60 Day Anniversary More: Review: SERB Robot kit SERB […]

R2-D2 builders at WonderCon

R2-D2 builders at WonderCon

Our pal Bonnie Burton, from The Official Star Wars Blog, caught up with some of the members of Astromech, the R2-D2 builders club, at WonderCon, and asked them a few questions about the ins and outs of droid construction. Can you describe what the R2-D2 Builders group is all about We’re a loosely organized international […]

Wifi robotified rc car

Wifi robotified rc car

Got an extra router in your parts pile? How about an wifi enabled robotic car? Wifi Robot: A remote control car that can be driven over the internet or with a laptop wirelessly from up to 500m away. It has a live-feed network camera so that it can be driven without line of sight and […]