
Remembering Diaspora Co-Founder Ilya Zhitomirskiy

Remembering Diaspora Co-Founder Ilya Zhitomirskiy

Over the weekend we lost Diaspora co-founder Ilya Zhitomirskiy to suicide. I can honestly say that I was privileged to be his acquaintance.

This past May I came out to the Bay Area for Maker Faire. It so happened that the night before the Faire was to begin, the Noisebridge hacker space was having an event for speakers to present their projects in five minutes or less. When I delivered mine I happened to mention that I’m an NYU student. Being from the same alma mater, Ilya struck up a conversation with me. The topics covered were as varied as you might expect when two creative technologists get together. One thing that stuck out for me was his love for MAKE, especially the how-to videos by Bre Pettis he watched online as a teenager.