
Sweet FDM/FFF 3D Printed Wargaming Minis

Sweet FDM/FFF 3D Printed Wargaming Minis

Until I saw these recent Warhammer 40K designs from Thingiverse user 3dYeti, however, I thought good-looking gaming minis were beyond the capabilities of hobby-scale desktop FDM/FFF (Fused Deposition Modeling, which is a trademarked term AKA Fused Filament Fabrication, which is not legally encumbered) printers like those from MakerBot, MakerGear, Ultimaker, etc. Guess I was wrong!

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Printable Iron Man Shoelace Covers

Printable Iron Man Shoelace Covers

Everything about this printable from Thingiverse user DrewPetitclerc makes me happy. Especially his description: “For many decades I’ve had trouble getting interesting shoe designs, my size is not common and I got tired of being told no or we have these in white or black only, so when I found you can design your own on the internet…”

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Lasercut Motorized Turntable for 360-degree Object Photography

Lasercut Motorized Turntable for 360-degree Object Photography

Another handy laser-cut design from British open-source kit-makers .:oomlout:.. DXF plans are available on Thingiverse, and a QuickTime sample of an object photographed with the turntable here.

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Handlebar Moustache

Handlebar Moustache

I could not resist this 3D-printed sight gag from Thingiverse user mustachejack, who says it’s been on his bike for two months, so far, without breaking. The model includes an integral tube-clamp to be secured with a bolt or a zip-tie.

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Boston Brownstone 3D Print

Boston Brownstone 3D Print

Thingiverse user Steven Conine designed, printed, and published this excellent model of the Braddock park row house he inhabits in Bostn.

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Proscribed Printables

Proscribed Printables

Interesting milestone in open-source 3D printing over at Thingiverse: User crank has published a freely-downloadable magazine for the ubiquitous AR-15 rifle. As downloaded, crank’s magazine only holds five rounds, but a person with basic 3D modelling skills could modify it with little difficulty to produce a “high-capacity” magazine. I’m not sure what the current state of law on magazine size limits is, but prior to the sunset of the Federal Assault Weapons Ban (Wikipedia) in 2004, manufacture of an AR-15 magazine with a capacity of more than 10 rounds was an offense.

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