
18 foot tall – tall bike

Terry Goertzen’s 18 foot tall – tall bicycle – “The origins of the feat were innocent enough. Terry’s wife SuAnn had given him a welding set for Christmas and soon he was building bikes, including a multi-layered one. On a whim, he checked the world’s record for tallest bicycle. When he realized he was already […]

Ice bikes

Ice bikes

Over in the MAKE forums Bf5man put together a nice collection of ice bikes – “There’s some challenges as biking on ice or snow that just call for creative solutions. I was looking for some pictures of bikes with rear tracks and here’s some funny bikes i’ve came across. It might inspire some makers! The […]

DIY Bike lock holder

DIY Bike lock holder

Tmiron writes – “Here is a neat and easy way to make a bike lock holder that stays on your bike. More specifically this is for the U-Bolt type bike locks. The cable ones, you can usually just wrap around the seatpost, but the U-bolt are a little more difficult to carry around while your […]

Soapbox racing pushed to extremes

Soapbox racing pushed to extremes

Rad, underground soapbox derby racing in NYC – “On a recent Saturday afternoon, a group of soapbox racers well past childhood gathered on a steep hill in Brooklyn. With a push and a prayer, they piloted their homemade carts – a wooden cabinet on wheels, a punked-out baby stroller, even a NordicTrack – down the […]