This Twitter Activated Zelda Heart Lets You Show Some Love Remotely
a simple tweet can light up Jeremy’s life.
a simple tweet can light up Jeremy’s life.
Tweet #twitterbag to have your messages displayed on this Geek Mom’s purse. Read on to learn more about her project.
Precious is the name of the sensor laden anthropomorphized bicycle modified by New York makers Zolty, Mattias Gunneras, and Michael Lipton of Breakfast. The project started when its rider, Janeen, had decided to ride across the US on the TransAmerica Trail to raise money for LIVESTRONG. The crew at Breakfast wanted to lend support and saw it as an opportunity to create something different and exciting.
When Andy Proctor, a truck driver and web developer in the UK, was dissatisfied with his company’s tracking system, he hacked his truck. Called the iDataTruck, it tweets the status of his truck directly to his office. (Follow it at @iDataTruck.) “The company does have a tracker system,” says Proctor, “but we still have to […]
Tweeted words paint an interactive sculpture in an idiosyncratic project by Syver Lauritzsen and Eirik Haugen Murvold.
Free printable Twitter Beard will create instant smiles. Make one today!
What are the best techniques for locating the smart and creative people on Twitter