
Maker Faire Detroit: Day Two

Maker Faire Detroit: Day Two

Maker Faire Detroit was hopping on the second and final day of the Faire.  There was so much to see and do that today’s installment of images is just shy of double the number from Day One. No matter how many images you look at there is no substitute for checking out a Faire in person. Don’t worry, there are plenty of Maker Faires big and small, so check one out!

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Maker Faire Detroit: Day One

Maker Faire Detroit: Day One

The Henry Ford is once again the host for the 4th annual Maker Faire Detroit. The combination of Detroit’s rich history as a city that made almost everything plus makers from all over the Midwestern United States and Southern Canada yields an excitement and vibrance unlike other Faires.

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Movers and Makers: Charles “Chuck” Stottlemyer

Movers and Makers: Charles “Chuck” Stottlemyer

Ford is working with MAKE to profile owners of the Transit Connect, a vehicle that offers creative types a small, modifiable vehicle to suit their passions and personal pursuits. In this series, we’ll be profiling Transit Connect owners and looking at how they’ve customized their rides. In this installment, we meet Charles “Chuck” Stottlemyer.

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Movers and Makers: Christian Wohlfahrt

Movers and Makers: Christian Wohlfahrt

Ford is working with MAKE to profile owners of the Transit Connect, a vehicle that offers creative types a small, modifiable vehicle to suit their passions and personal pursuits. In this series, we’ll be profiling Transit Connect owners and looking at how they’ve customized their rides.

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Movers and Makers: Drone Dudes

Movers and Makers: Drone Dudes

Drone Dudes are a team of filmmakers and designers who use RC copters to capture stunning aerial cinematography. In this video we interview Andrew Petersen and Jeff Blank, who operate a radial octocopter capable of lifting cameras up to 12lbs. on a 2- or 3-axis gimbal. All the gear stows away inside their Transit Connect, which doubles as a camping vehicle when they are on the road.

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Movers and Makers: Kevin Fitzpatrick

Movers and Makers: Kevin Fitzpatrick

Kevin Fitzpatrick both lives and works in his Transit Connect for nearly a quarter of the year. He has extensively modified his vehicle to provide office space, sleeping quarters, storage for gear, a mini-fridge, and even a sink with gray and potable water.

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“Kuratas” Mecha Does Not Have Chicken Legs

“Kuratas” Mecha Does Not Have Chicken Legs

In fact, it barely has legs at all, designer Kogoro Kurata having wisely opted for wheeled instead of walking locomotion for his extremely impressive first attempt at de-fictionalizing the ubiquitous giant fighting robot of Japanese pop culture. His project site at Suidobashi Heavy Industries has been up for more than a year, and includes an impressive “build to order” system that lets you specify factory options for your fighting machine ranging from various weapons systems, to upgraded armor, to genuine leather seats and custom paint jobs. The price is updated in real time, as you go, and the whole thing even wraps up with a buy-it-now button.

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