
Fabric arduino shield

Fabric arduino shield

If you’re doing wearables, I’d suggest transitioning over to the LilyPad Arduino sooner rather than later, but If you want the full Diecimilla board integrated into your project for one reason or another (ease of removability, street cred, etc.), Instructables user Pulsea has got a solution for you. She details how to sew male headers […]

Form and Functions –  Awesome homemade calculator watch (make your own too!)

Form and Functions – Awesome homemade calculator watch (make your own too!)

David Jones really liked his old Casio CFX-400 scientific calculator watch. As a professional electronics design engineer, he appreciated the greater functionality it had over other calculator watches, which typically support only the four basic functions. He was saddened when his 20-year-old Casio finally bit the dust, so when he looked around and realized there […]

DIY workshop at CHI in Boston

MAKE and CRAFT friend Leah Buechley writes in about an awesome opportunity: Daniela Rosner, Eric Paulos, Amanda Willams, and I will be holding a workshop called DIY for CHI (Computer-Human Interaction conference). The session will examine DIY communities & practices through a series of hands-on activities & discussions. Come spend some time with this great […]

Making Austin Weird: LED Bling

Making Austin Weird: LED Bling

From now until the awesomeness that is Maker Faire Austin, I’ll be highlighting projects that you can find at Travis County Fairgrounds on 10/18-19. Tickets here; see you there! You know you’ve got a geektastic event when even the fashion accessories start sporting LEDs. From Jared’s project page at Inventgeek: With the maker faire this […]