
Using a Kinect as an Infrared Camera

Using a Kinect as an Infrared Camera

The Kinect is a peripheral for the Xbox 360 console that allows a user to interact with the Xbox 360 without touching a controller. A general description of the Kinect is that it is a depth camera. This means that you can place objects in front of it, and it will compute the distance from […]

Scope Photography Rig

Scope Photography Rig

Quality cameras for microscope and telescope photography can run $500. But you can also use your family digital camera, attaching it to the eyepiece with a simple mount made from PVC pipe.

Carbon Fiber Primer

Carbon Fiber Primer

It seems as though nearly everything “high performance” these days boasts some amount of carbon fiber in its construction. Originally used in aerospace, carbon fiber has moved into the mainstream and can be found in luxury automobiles, mountain bikes, and sports equipment. Some laptops and cellphones even use printed decals to simulate this lightweight material’s […]