LED Shoe Clips
Twinkle toes! Make LED ruffles to customize your shoes in this CRAFT tutorial and video. This easy soft circuit project can get you started in wearable electronics and uses the LED Sewing Kit available at Adafruit.
Twinkle toes! Make LED ruffles to customize your shoes in this CRAFT tutorial and video. This easy soft circuit project can get you started in wearable electronics and uses the LED Sewing Kit available at Adafruit.
We started Escama (Portuguese for “fish scales”) three years ago after seeing the way Brazilian women incorporated used pull-tabs into their crocheting. We worked with two craft co-ops to design and produce a range of purses. Experts warned us that we’d need to use machines to get consistent quality. Luckily experts are sometimes wrong. 15,000 […]
By Norene Leddy with Ed Bringas and Johana Moscoso The Alarm Purse is a simple, fashionable way to add an audible alarm to your handbag. Tuck it away when you don’t need it (so it won’t go off by accident) and quickly hook it up when you do. The latest addition to the ongoing Aphrodite […]
Powering a TV remote with the sun means you won’t have to buy batteries every six months to surf from your sofa. Low-voltage devices that use power only occasionally, like remotes, are good candidates for a solar-powered trickle-charge. Here’s how we modded our remote to live off of the sun, using rechargeable batteries connected in parallel with a small solar cell and a diode to keep any power from trickling back out.
Fiery devices have always fascinated me. From Jam Jar Jets (MAKE Volume 05) to Fire Pistons (Volume 19) to Faux Flames (Volume 25), I’ve built all sorts of fire-related projects. So when a friend told me about a device that lets you visualize sounds using fire, I knew I had to make one. I found […]
My previous tutorial shows how to construct a simple sheet metal “bridge,” which, in combination with an ice cube bucket and an olive jar, makes an effective pneumatic trough for collecting gas samples over water. This tutorial shows how to use this apparatus to generate and collect pure oxygen, and how to use that oxygen […]
The Trip-Cam is a trip-wire triggered spy- and security camera. Sweet!