Robot-Headed Valentine Box
The robot-headed valentine box is basically a cardboard box that has a few electronics inside. This is perfect for a valentine box, especially for kids. You just put the valentines through the mouth, and access them at the back. This is also a very fun craft to do so let’s get started.
Soda Can Label Embossing
Positive response to the review of my antique Tapewriter label embosser got me thinking about lower-cost ways to make embossed aluminum labels. A comment from reader Rick Hyde (“Actually, the aluminum is so ductile that I bet any Dymo machine can emboss it.”) led me to wonder about feeding thin aluminum strip to one of […]
Vinegar and Baking Soda Rocket
Using a few simple materials that you may already have around the house, you can design and launch your own rocket. 1-2-3 Let’s Go!