
Robot-Headed Valentine Box

Robot-Headed Valentine Box

The robot-headed valentine box is basically a cardboard box that has a few electronics inside. This is perfect for a valentine box, especially for kids. You just put the valentines through the mouth, and access them at the back. This is also a very fun craft to do so let’s get started.

Soda Can Label Embossing

Soda Can Label Embossing

Positive response to the review of my antique Tapewriter label embosser got me thinking about lower-cost ways to make embossed aluminum labels. A comment from reader Rick Hyde (“Actually, the aluminum is so ductile that I bet any Dymo machine can emboss it.”) led me to wonder about feeding thin aluminum strip to one of […]

Vinegar and Baking Soda Rocket

Vinegar and Baking Soda Rocket

Using a few simple materials that you may already have around the house, you can design and launch your own rocket. 1-2-3 Let’s Go!