Year: 2006

Sample MAKE for free with MAKEbot

Sample MAKE for free with MAKEbot

Makebotguy-3Here’s how to sample 3 volumes of MAKE via our instant message bot, the MAKEbot. Just add the MAKEbot to your buddy list (click here) and type sample) . That will return a link to the digital edition of MAKE magazine. Included samples: Shopper Chopper, Mod Your Rod, The Night Lighter, Spin to Win, Toolbox, Podcasting 101, Mousey the Junkbot, Let’s Rumble, R2-DIY, Made on Earth: Backyard Monorail, The Open Source Hybrid Car, Kite Aerial Photography and Fun iPod Tricks.

Wild West Weather at MAKE!

Wild West Weather at MAKE!

11459930 6B4993E3C7Terrie writes “The weather station we installed on the roof at O’Reilly was quite busy in recent days. Check out our December data. Average rainfall for December is usually about 6 inches. We were over 19 inches for the month, and almost 6 inches on the December 30/31 storm alone! You can view current conditions through either our Custom Report or thru our Citizen Weather Observer Program page which includes a current radar view. (If either of these pages haven’t updated recently, it usually means that the power went off and we need to restart the machine connected to our weather console).” Link.

NES Mod links…

NesHere’s a great list of NES projects, we’ve covered some of them here on MAKE, but there are lots of project that are new (to me)…“Got one of those extra NESes lying around? Bored out of your mind? Well you’ve come to the right place to find out you can modify with your Nes, here is a list of links to things you could modify with your Nes.” Thanks knoppy44! Link.

Make Your Own Coffee Pods…

Make Your Own Coffee Pods…

Wolfpo9 A Make reader sent in a cheap way to make pods of his favorite coffees instead of being stuck with “proprietary” coffee – “Do you really like your pod coffee maker, but wish you could use your favorite brand of coffee instead of paying a premium price for a mediocre blend — just because it is shaped like a pod? Why not make your own? Most of what you’ll need is probably already in your kitchen.” Link.

DIY Solder fume extractor

DIY Solder fume extractor

FumesRaph writes “While reading the make magazine blog, I visited a webpage explaining how someone built a fume extractor: Ultra cheap fume extractor. I immediately decided to build one too. I built mine a little differently. I did not want to have the fan right in front of me. Too noisy. Instead, I installed the fan in a closet and use a long vinly duct that goes to my desk. Now the risk of inhaling the fumes directly is greatly reduced.” Link.

DIY Bluetooth Retro Cellphone Handset

DIY Bluetooth Retro Cellphone Handset

Bt Retro01Chris writes “After reading this article about how to make a DIY Retro Cellphone Handset, I just had to post an article about how I made my Bluetooth Handset…surprisingly there is no how-to to do this (AFAIK). Although it’s very simple. Here is what you need: An old telephone or just the handset. I used an old telephone form former East Germany (GDR/DDR) called “Apart 2001″, produced in the VEB Fernmeldewerk Nordhausen/RFT in the year 1990.” Link.