Year: 2008

Illustration process

Illustration process

Dan is an illustrator, and shares some information on how he creates his images in a few posts on his blog: These pencil sketches mark the initial step for all my illustrations where text and concept are distilled into a visual expression. Once I settle on sketches I think work the pencil roughs are scanned […]

Beef Jerky Purse

PT @ MAKE points us to Artist Nancy Wu‘s interesting beef jerky handbag; I love works like this that contrast luxury products with something a little more overtly perverse. More: The AntiCraft Does Bacon Crafts Bacon Scarf HOW TO – Pork Princess Tiara

LED lighting roundup

LED lighting roundup

Greater City: Providence has a post on some recent LED lighting news (good stuff+links in the blog and the comments), including links to a couple of articles on LED streetlights in NYC, Ann Arbor, and others: Since LEDs use less power than existing halogen, incandescent, or even fluorescent bulbs, it makes sense that this will […]