Year: 2010

Realistic Lego models

Realistic Lego models

Check out Polish Lego fan Maciej Drwiega’s 1:13 truck models — the blue and black truck is a Kenworth K100 Aerodyne, the red one is a Kenworth W900 LongNose, and the truck with the crane is a Jelcz 315. Drwiega puts so much care into researching and crafting his models that they can be confused […]

Art sled rally

Minneapolis’ third annual Art Sled Rally will be held on January 30th at 2pm. Art Sled: any contraption built to slide down a snowy slope in the most fashionable, ridiculous or artistic way. Outrigger sleds, monster sleds, rocket sleds, tandem sleds, sleds from the High Veldt, leopard-skinned or snake-linked sleds, sleds that fly, hop, or […]

Get started in accurate design with Sketchup

Get started in accurate design with Sketchup

Sketchup is an easy-to-learn program for 3D modeling. While it gives you an easy way to design creatively, it is a bit more challening to design accurately. If you are going to make physical models of your designs, you will need to make them small enough to fit on the tool that will make the part. You can send the 3D models to a number of toos, including the ShopBot, CNC Mill and MakerBot, among others.

If you follow these pretty easy steps, you can get yourself and your students into the habit of designing accurately dimensioned objects. Here is a set of screenshots and a sample file that show the steps of this process.