Year: 2010

Angora Glove Pattern

I make no secret of my love for Selvedge magazine, and I’m totally into their free angora gloves pattern. They ran an excerpt from Faith, Hope, Knitting, Love by Lorna Miser in their print magazine, but you can download the pattern from their website (and check out their other free patterns and how-tos, for everything […]

Fab-your-own Lego

Fab-your-own Lego

Check out the work of Ottawa maker Andrew Plumb. A few months ago, he created the .stl of a four-stud disk, uploaded it to Thingiverse, prototyped it on his Makerbot and then sent it off to fabbing service Shapeways to be output in plastic as well as bronze-infused steel. In more recent experiment, Plumb used […]