Gareth Branwyn, Author at Make: DIY Projects and Ideas for Makers - Page 376 of 643

Latest from Gareth Branwyn

Femisapien videos


Robert Oschler, of RobotsRule, sent us news of these new videos WowWee has just released, showing their “Femisapien” (ugh) robot,...

DIY light boxes

DIY light boxes


Simple photography light boxes, made by a Kenyan photographer, from little more than cardboard boxes, aluminum foil, and bulb holders....

Gorgeous Pummer

Gorgeous Pummer


A BEAM Pummer, made with 16 BPW-34 Siemens Osram 1/8″ solar cells as the power source. Solar Engine 2 [via]...

More pics of the Brass Lion

More pics of the Brass Lion


Over at the Steampunk Workshop, Jake von Slatt has more pics of the Brass Lion recumbent steampunkified trike. The Brass...

Waalbot wall climbing robot

Waalbot wall climbing robot


Here’s an episode of EngineeringTV featuring a gecko-inspired wall-walker being developed at Carnegie Mellon University. Waalbot Wall Climbing Robot

Mobile robot does CNC


By way of Hack A Day comes this hexapod robot that does CNC fabrication. Only recently has [Matt] started playing...

Melting down your data

Melting down your data


If you’ve read any of the scary articles or seen segments on TV news magazines about ID theft and data...

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