Gareth Branwyn, Author at Make: DIY Projects and Ideas for Makers - Page 384 of 643

Latest from Gareth Branwyn

NES coffee table

NES coffee table


More NES gigantism, here a gorgous job on an NES controller coffee table. NES coffee table FINAL POST!! RAH!!!!

DIY Box Handles

DIY Box Handles


MAKE Section Editor Charles Platt has a series of great moving tips in Kevin Kelly’s Cool Tools: Make handles from...

Build an inexpensive recumbent bike

Build an inexpensive recumbent bike


Gerry Lauzon has finally posted the third installment of his homebuilt recumbent bike how-to series. HOW TO BUILD AN INEXPENSIVE...

More fun with PCB swag

More fun with PCB swag


Scott Beale of Laughing Squid writes: Our friends at Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories presented me with an awesome surprise gift...

HDD drum machine


You can add “drum machine” to your list of things you can do with dead hard disk drives. HDD drum...

Vid profile of Mikey Sklar


Here’s a Discovery Channel segment on Mikey Sklar and some of his wacky inventions: the computer fan shirt, the fire...

Fun with metronomes


How to synchronize five metronomes with two soda cans and a board. Synchronisation [via]

Steampunk Maker Faire wrap-up

Steampunk Maker Faire wrap-up


The steam mechanics, oilpunks, contraptors, neo-Victorians cosplayers, retro-futurists, post-apocalyptic Playa pirates, New Dandies, and electric cowboys were all out in...

Thomas Doyle’s miniature art

Thomas Doyle’s miniature art


Artist Thomas Doyle makes fascinating art, tells compelling stories, with model train miniatures and scenery. I’ve always been strangely attracted...

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