Paul Spinrad, Author at Make: DIY Projects and Ideas for Makers

Latest from Paul Spinrad

Made On Earth — Gods of Thunder

Made On Earth — Gods of Thunder


Innovative engineering is often an iterative process of refinement and testing. For Nelson Pass, this means constructing ever-huger sound systems,...

“Glengarry” Brass Balls

“Glengarry” Brass Balls


My friend Ed and I love quoting from the movie Glengarry Glen Ross, especially the plot-inciting speech by Alec Baldwin’s...

Floating Glow Display

Floating Glow Display


Using this simple technique, you can etch a design into a thin pane of clear plastic sheeting, then enclose the...

Solar TV Remote

Solar TV Remote


Powering a TV remote with the sun means you won’t have to buy batteries every six months to surf from...

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