Debilitatingly cute snowglobe costume
Here’s a Halloween unicorn chaser for all you folks who are tired of simulated electrocutions and vomiting robots. Submitted by Flickr user jpotisch to the MAKE Flickr pool.
Have you ever wanted to create props or DIY cosplay costumes? If making is your passion, look no further; we’ve rounded up some of the best inspiration out there that will help you get started on your dream project. Whether it’s bringing comic book characters to life with movie-accurate costumes or unleashing your creativity in crafting realistic props from household items, these amazing makers are sure to inspire you!
Here’s a Halloween unicorn chaser for all you folks who are tired of simulated electrocutions and vomiting robots. Submitted by Flickr user jpotisch to the MAKE Flickr pool.
I’m expecting a lot of prawn-armed Wikuses (Wiki?) this year, but the award goes to YouTuber GrafixFan for producing the first bloggable District-9 related Halloween costume images I’ve seen. We must harvest his tissues immediately.
Artist Jennifer Harrison of Masks by Jen hand-tools and -paints leather to make this and other amazing custom masks.
And you thought there were a lot of questionable costumes at Comi-Con. [Warning: scantily clad women on the linked page] The Worst Homemade Star Wars Costumes [Thanks, Katie W!]
Gorgeous raygun construction, spotted on the MAKE Flickr pool, fashioned from old radio and camera parts. Atomic Disruptor Raygun More: MAKE 17: “Discreet Companion” Ladies’ Raygun Tinkerbots’ rayguns
I like these graffiti photoshop tools on top of this Berlin subway ad featuring three pretty ladies. It’s all there, too, the brush palette, the repeated clone stamp in the history window… subtle. Via Wooster Collective.
[1st place Adult, Erin, Maris Brood] [2nd place Adult, Kristin, Zombie Leia] [3rd Place Adult, Kyle, EVO Trooper] [1st Place Kids, Paige, Aurra Sing] Rebelscum has posted the results of their Halloween 2008 Star Wars costume contest. Costume Contest Winners