Tips And Tricks: Sculpting Ram’s Horns From EVA Foam
Cosplay horns are a right of passage, and here’s how to make some awesome ones
From traditional crafts to modern crafts, we’re covering news and interesting projects to educate you and keep you inspired. Design trends and pop culture related projects are here to inspire.
Cosplay horns are a right of passage, and here’s how to make some awesome ones
The face detecting features of many platforms have gotten pretty impressive. From snapchat filters to Apples Animojis, we can put all kinds of fantastic effects on our faces in real time. This neat feature was unfortunately locked inside the device, until now. Make: Projects user Lenny3000 shared this project where he’s using the magic computing […]
Natasha Dzurny loves making cool stuff and wants to teach you how to do it to! Create a unique unicorn horn in her upcoming Make A Light Up Unicorn Headband class on October 21st! SIGN UP NOW – ticket sales end Wednesday, October 14th @ 9am ET – to get your unicorn materials in time […]
have a look at these ways to keep your distance and still have fun
Love puppets? So does New York maker Adam Kreutinger. Adam will be showing off his skills and showing you how to make puppets at the upcoming Empire State Maker Faire — a virtual event hosted by seven New York State Maker Faires on October 16th & 17th. Apply now to show your work! Instagram / […]
Name: LeeLee James Where are you located? Boulder, CO What is your day job? Student Do you attend a makerspace/fablab/hackerspace? Yes, Blow Things Up lab and Correll Robotics lab on CU Boulder’s campus, Solid State Depot in Boulder, and BLDG 61 in the Boulder Public Library. Twitter | Instagram | Youtube What kinds of stuff […]
I’m always looking for interesting now sources for fun 3d prints. This fun little site called Titancraft Minis popped up and I hopped in to give it a try and was blown away! You can create and customize monsters, then download them for free (or have them printed and shipped). At first glance it didn’t […]