3D Printing & Imaging

If you’re a maker, 3d printing is an incredibly useful tool to have in your arsenal. Not only can it help bring your projects to life faster, but it can also offer unique results that would be difficult (or impossible!) to achieve with traditional methods. In these blog posts, we’ll provide you with some essential information and tips regarding 3D printing for makers—including the basics of how to get started, plus creative tutorials for spicing up your projects. Whether you’re already familiar with 3d printing or are just starting out, these resources will help take your game-making skills even further!

3D-printable buckydome brackets

This project illustrates the awesomeness of Thingiverse and open hardware. User c60 created some nifty geodesic dome brackets with the idea of using them with repurposed tent poles. While a great start, c60 didn’t have the math completely figured out and asked the Thingiverse community to pitch in. EFFALO of the Fabricating Blog rose to […]

Cubely: a new 3D printer?

Cubely: a new 3D printer?

Cube.ly appears to be a 3D printer that uses 80/20 girders for the 2’x2’x2′ chassis, with all electronic components identical to those used in the Makerbot and Mendel. The project’s charter describes the project’s goals: Provide a fully capable 3D printer which can be used to directly manufacture or can be used to easily create […]

Laser-cutting old vinyl LPs

Laser-cutting old vinyl LPs

Personally, these laser-cut plastic end tables by Israel’s Studio Groovy (Fair warning: I couldn’t actually find them on their Flash-y website.) are not to my taste, but I really like the fact that that they put some old vinyl records in their laser cutter and managed to make something fairly cool out of them. Bonus: The table on the left uses the cut-out from the table on the right as decoration, so there’s very little waste. [via Recyclart]

Ball-chain gears on Thingiverse

Ball-chain gears on Thingiverse

Vik from the RepRap blog created these printable ball-chain gears, and uploaded STLs and SCADs to Thingiverse. I have finally managed to print tiny little ball-chain gears that work with 3.3mm and 3.5mm diameter ball-chain and still fit on the NEMA17’s 5mm output shaft. The trick is to print the gears in two pieces. As […]