Godzilla Sculpture Made From Tree Branches
Tree trimming can be a completely monstrous task. Just ask Li Yi-Kai about making this incredible sculpture of Godzilla from tree branches.
The latest DIY ideas, techniques and tools for hacking nature from plant grafting to building gardening tools and sprinklers.
Tree trimming can be a completely monstrous task. Just ask Li Yi-Kai about making this incredible sculpture of Godzilla from tree branches.
Internet-connected vertical gardening system promises land, labor savings.
Bring your gardening skills into the kitchen with this amusing Chocolate Dirt Pudding Cups tutorial by bethcakes.
Kill two birds with one stone, figuratively speaking, by simultaneously getting rid of some leftover fiber and helping your beaked buddies get a cozy start on their nesting efforts with this thoughtful homemade fiber dispenser.
If you’re doing anything other than laughing at them, you’re doing it wrong.
As we mulch the cutting edge of DIY, what’s the latest in gardening technology?
Making a self-maintained, Arduino-based garden helped with instilling “grit,” the trait of not giving up when you hit obstacles.