Arduino Wars: Group Splits, Competing Products Revealed?
There’s nothing worse than when a family starts fighting amongst itself, and right now Arduino LLC is suing Arduino Srl.
As the preeminent tool for makers, Arduino is a versatile platform that covers almost every type of creative making. With its simple-to-use coding language and fun programming concepts, Arduino enables users to create modern electronics with ease. From beginner level projects like flashing LED lights to more advanced builds such as interactive robots, there are an endless number of possibilities when it comes to building projects with Arduino. Whether you are new or an experienced builder in search of fresh ideas, these posts will provide interesting Arduino tutorials and unique ideas that may spark your creativity and motivate you take on any type of maker project!
There’s nothing worse than when a family starts fighting amongst itself, and right now Arduino LLC is suing Arduino Srl.
Gadgets and gear for makers
MicroView $40 : It can be tough to know what your Arduino is thinking sometimes. That’s why the folks at Geek Ammo created MicroView, a chip-sized Arduino-compatible module with a built-in 64×48 pixel OLED display on top. It has 12 digital I/O pins, three of which are capable of PWM, six analog inputs, and […]
“OK GOOGLE, OPEN SESAME” When Dheera Venkatraman was faced with the issue of not having enough magic in his life, he did what any reasonable person would do… start coding.. The result: He created a simple and an straightforward system that lets him say “Ok Google, open sesame” at any time when he is wearing his […]
“Blue-Yellow-Red” is a transmedia installation created by Nashville, Tennessee, interdisciplinary artist and transmedia performer, Robbie Lynn Hunsinger. The exhibit was created for the Frist Center as part its 2014 Kandinsky exhibit.
On a cold winter night in Kongsberg Norway, dancers draped in white sheets stand in a warm auditorium waiting to hear their mark. As the mark arrives, each dancer hits a button and is instantly lit up with 136 RGB LEDs. The dancers move fluidly across the stage in sync with the music as the […]
Meet Electron from Spark, the new board that puts GSM cellular connectivity directly on the microcontroller. With its onboard cellular antenna, this diminutive board will offer a huge range of deployment options and alleviate the hassle of using a custom cellular breakout board with your micro controller projects. They’re offering two versions, with either 2G or 3G connectivity. […]