
Making a robot can be an incredibly rewarding experience. It’s the perfect combination of creativity, engineering and problem solving. However, if you’re just getting started in robotics, it can also be overwhelming. To make things easier for those who are just starting out, we’ve put together some tips and tricks to help makers bring robots to life! From the basics of assembling your robot to software implementation, these pointers will give you everything you need to get started on your robotic adventure!

HOW TO make a desktop Line Following Robot

HOW TO make a desktop Line Following Robot

Ltc03 Cute project – Recently many kind of robot contests have being opened and some interesting reports of the challenge are found on the web. The Line Following is a kind of the robot contests to vie running speed on the line. I build a tiny line following robot which can run on the desk, moving the key board aside will do. It is for only a personal toy reduced its size less than one fifth compared to typical line following robots, not in formura. Link.

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I filed it under “H” for “Toy”….

I filed it under “H” for “Toy”….

35693850 09F7Dba4C0 MAKE Flickr pool member wirehead writes “I’m bringing up the gen2 circuit board. This should be the sort of thing that a qualified electrical engineer would whip out in a matter of minutes. But, I’m a programmer who likes to mess around with technology, so things sometimes take a little longer than they ought to. Or I connect power to ground and ground to power. I do that sometimes, too. But now, I can program this board to do stuff, once I get the LEDs all soldered up. Soon, you will start seeing this board in my light art”… Link.

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BattleKits – Combat Robot Kits

BattleKits – Combat Robot Kits

Middle C Battle Kits are designed along the lines of the most successful combat robot ever: BioHazard. We started with some of the key features in BioHazard and developed four rugged, low-profile, high-performance, mobile platforms on which you can build the next killer robot! Thanks Doug! Link.

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The Grower bot…

The Grower bot…

Front Sm Grower is a small ‘rover’ vehicle which navigates around the periphery of a room. It hugs the room’s walls and responds to the carbon dioxide levels in the air by actually drawing varying heights of ‘grass’ on the walls in green ink. The Grower robot senses the carbon dioxide (CO2) level in the air via a small digital CO2 sensor. This sensor is mounted high on a wall of the exhibition space and sends data wirelessly to the robot. The number of people in an exhibit space breathing in oxygen and exhaling CO2 has an immediate effect on the sensor. My robot takes a reading of the CO2 level every few seconds and in response it draws a vertical line in green ink on the wall. Thanks Doug! Link.

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Hektor the graffiti artbot

Hektor the graffiti artbot

The-Quick-Brown-FoxHektor consists of a suitcase which contains two electric motors, a spray-can holder, toothed belts, cables, a strong battery and a circuit board which is connected to a laptop and controls the machine. The motors that are mounted onto the wall suspend the can holder through the toothed belts and define its position by changing the length of these belts. Thanks Doug! Link.

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Parallax to intro Scribbler programmable robot

Parallax to intro Scribbler programmable robot

Scrib The Scribbler is a fully programmable, intelligent robot with multiple sensor systems that let it interact with people and objects. It navigates on its own as it explores its surroundings, and then reports back about what it senses using light and sound. With your personal computer and choice of free software, write your own programs for your Scribbler Robot. [via] Link.

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Launch a robot…

Launch a robot…

Termbot.Full.Deploy TerminatorBot is a crawling robot with two arms that can also manipulate objects. It’s perfect for crawling around the wreckage of a disaster site but the limbs collapse into a cylindrical body that can be tossed or launched into specific locations, making the machine attractive for space applications or military use. Link.

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