Battery holder

LED Tank Top

LED Tank Top

Use conductive thread to make a wearable LED display.

TV-B-Gone Kit

TV-B-Gone Kit

Tired of all those LCD TVs everywhere? Want a break from advertisements while you’re trying to eat? Want to zap screens from across the street? The TV-B-Gone kit is just what you need. With just a simple click of the button you can turn off any TV from 100’s of feet away. Zap! This project […]

The Stalker ‘Bot

The Stalker ‘Bot

Gather the parts and follow the basic instructions and you can have a robot capable of following moving objects! With basic coding experience, you can also change the distance at which the robot senses moving objects or the speed the robot moves. In order to do this project, a basic robot must be built that […]

Laser Lissajous with Audio Sync

Laser Lissajous with Audio Sync

This project uses a Freeduino (Arduino clone) microcontroller, Python code, a couple of motors with attached mirrors, and a laser pointer to create patterns (Lissajous Figures) that are in sync with audio played from a computer. Objective The basic idea here is to create some laser patterns that are in sync with music (or any […]

Mario Coin Block Lamp

Mario Coin Block Lamp

A few days ago, a friend told me that he saw a similar project on, and asked me to build one. Unfortunately, like my green lantern ring, I forgot to take a picture of the one I made for him so I built a simpler but less good-looking one of my own. This guide […]