Wood dowel

Fetch-O-Matic: Automatic Ball Launcher

Fetch-O-Matic: Automatic Ball Launcher

Several years ago I watched a viral YouTube video that starred Jerry the Dachshund, whose engineer owner had built him his very own automated ball launcher. I had two dogs at the time, and was also unemployed with some time on my hands, so I decided to try my hand at building one. After a […]

PVC Table from MAKE Volume 30

PVC Kids’ Table and Stool

This small table fits young kids perfectly — and they can scribble to their hearts’ content on the dry-erase tabletop.

Mendocino Motor

Mendocino Motor

See photons turned into motion with this solar-powered, magnetically levitating electric motor.

Gigantic Bubble Generator

Gigantic Bubble Generator

When I read the Geekcon 2010 call for projects, I thought, what the hack — I’ll do it. Inspired by Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way, I decided to let creativity into my life, and start inventing things. I watched Sterling Johnson’s magnificent “Giant Stinson Beach Bubbles” clip on YouTube, and when I described it to […]