component of the month

Component of the Month: Resistors

Component of the Month: Resistors

Each month this year, we’re exploring a different electronic component, delving into what it is, how it works, and how you use it in projects. Last month we looked at batteries. This month, we’ll tackle the resistor, the job of which is to limit the flow of electricity and thereby control it, guiding it toward […]

Book Review: Secrets of Lead-Acid Batteries

Book Review: Secrets of Lead-Acid Batteries

The technology behind lead-acid batteries has been largely unchanged for the last hundred years, and the batteries themselves are so pervasive because they’re easy and inexpensive to manufacture. Author T.J. Lindsay sifted through reams of ancient publications and distilled them into a practical 48 page manual for folks looking to use these batteries as an alternative energy source.

Lime Jello Fuel Cell

Lime Jello Fuel Cell

This fun instructable by egbertfitzwilly shows how to make a microbial fuel cell out of jello, yeast, and carbon paper. Here’s how it works, we’re going to mix a little Jello brand Instant Gelatin with some Fleischmann’s Active Yeast and a few drops of plant food. Once that solidifies we’re going to cut out some […]

Component of the Month: Batteries

Component of the Month: Batteries

What goes on, exactly, inside those AAA batteries powering your LED flashlight? The short answer is: Chemistry. Chemical reactions can encourage electrons to flow out from one terminal and back to the other, doing some useful work along the way. Meanwhile, inside the battery, positive ions, also known as electron-holes, are changing places. Eventually the chemical reactions run down, and the battery stops delivering power. If it is a rechargeable type, you can force the electrons and the positive ions to go back where they started, ready to run again.