
How-To: Build With Pumice

How-To: Build With Pumice

Interesting off-beat find via kris de kecker’s “No Tech Magazine,” which today linked to WIKI-style and PDF versions of Klaus Grasser and Gernot Minke’s 1990 book “Building With Pumice.” Turns out pumice, a foamy igneous rock, often tan in color and generally known for its ability to float in water…

Instant shelter: Just add water!

Concrete Canvas shelters look like an amazing way to deliver shelter to emergency situations. The building arrives in an airtight bag, is pulled out with a vehicle and inflated. The building can be deployed by just two people (and a bit of machinery) in 45 minutes. After squirting with water, the concrete impregnated fabric sets up and is ready for use in 24 hours. Covering it with an earthen berm helps keep it temperature controlled, and the interior can be kept as a sterile environment.