DIY Projects

HOW TO Palm dead battery fix

HOW TO Palm dead battery fix

Dscf0014 Handy non-techy HOW TO on fixing a Palm with a dead battery. There are tons of PDAs in desk drawers and on eBay that could use a little lovin’ – If you own a PDA that is a couple of years old that needs a new internal battery, but don’t want to shell out the extra 50 – 100 dollars to get it professionally replaced then this is the place for you! Thanks Andrew! Link.

HOW TO make a Sentry Gun

HOW TO make a Sentry Gun

 Aaron Turret Small Imag0058 The idea of this project was to create a fully-automated sentry gun, capable of picking out a human target and accurately tracking and shooting him or her in the heart. Really, the idea was to find a cool robotics project for the summer while I was working at an advertising agency, and I’d only ever seen sentry guns in movies (like Congo) and video games (Half-Life 1, Half-Life 2, Team Fortress Classic). [via] Link.

DIY  Outdoor Webcam Enclosure

DIY $27 Outdoor Webcam Enclosure

Outdoor-Webcam-Parts Alek writes “So I wanted to put a webcam outside to provide imagery of my holiday lights – that’s a whole seperate story onto itself ;-) I ante’d up the big bucks for a decent wireless webcam (Dlink DCS-6620G), but cold weather enclosures all cost $500 or more – they include a heater and blower. So I ended up building my own using $27.34 of parts from Home Depot … and that include the 6″ sewer pipe and (free!) AOL CD cover – yea, no expense was spared on this puppy … but I’m hopeful it will withstand the upcoming Colorado winter”. Link.

DIY iPod nano alarm clock

DIY iPod nano alarm clock

44724411 Fd3Ace66Bf THere’s an update on the iPod nano alarm clock dock…I’ve cannibalized a set of old Apple pro speakers, an extra iPod dock and an iPod speaker accessory meant for the iPod Shuffle. Right now it all works, it gets power and sounds out – next up is to make a cool looking clear enclosure and mount it on the wall, or hang it. Here are some pictures…