DIY Projects

Free Neighborhood Wi-Fi

Free Neighborhood Wi-Fi

How0905Wifi 170X200 The Fourth Street hotspot is part of a communal wireless project called Neighbornode, started by then New York University grad student John Geraci as a way to add a community-building aspect to the common practice of using a neighbor’s Wi-Fi network to get online. Anyone with a broadband connection can start a Neighbornode. When someone uses the node to access the Web, he is first directed to a home page with a message board, classified section and photo page to help locals recognize one another. Here’s how to do it in your hood’ Link.

Google Desktop 2 Beta – Sidebar!

Google Desktop 2 Beta – Sidebar!

Logo Sm-1 Wow, I liked the sidebar in the demos I saw of the next version of Windows, you could “roll your own info bar” – but you don’t need to wait for Windows now – Google today introduced Google Desktop Version 2 with a Google Sidebar, a panel on your desktop which provides convenient, one-glance access to all sorts of personalized information that is similar to the sidebar that you are going to see in the upcoming Windows Vista (previously Longhorn)... [via] Link.

HOW TO make a K’nex Remote Control Car

HOW TO make a K’nex Remote Control Car

Medium Car Unigamer writes “Inspiration for building a car from K’nex came when I wanted to make an R/C Car easily and cheaply. My dad has an old Tamiya Cheetah which I used for parts like the servos, and Remote Control Equipment. If you are planning on doing a project similar to this you will probably need good quality proportional control Radio Control System and a basic knowledge of R/C vehicles”. Link.

How To Lace Cable Harnesses

How To Lace Cable Harnesses

Tie-1 Before nylon cable ties, bundles of cables were held together by waxed nylon cord. It’s still a nice way to to do harnesses in tight spaces, and, I think, looks much more elegant than nylon ties. It’s almost a lost art- few people under 50 know how to do it! (google “waxed lacing cord” to find sources of cord). Thanks Rob! Link.