
Cooking a Raspberry Pie with a Raspberry Pi

Cooking a Raspberry Pie with a Raspberry Pi

Here’s an interesting idea: a microwave with a connected barcode scanner that reads and executes instructions for cooking food — driven by a Raspberry Pi. What did maker Nathan Broadbent decide cook in the introduction video? A raspberry pie, of course!

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Burnkit2600 Lays Down Electronic Jams with Circuit Bent Instruments

Burnkit2600 Lays Down Electronic Jams with Circuit Bent Instruments

Circuit bending electronic performers Burnkit2600 were popular at Maker Faire New York last weekend — every time I walked by, they had a rapt audience. Watch a bit of their performance and read group member Thom Uliasz’ thoughts about circuit bending in the 90s, the group’s musical inspirations, and a strangely perfect moment at the Faire.

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Short Film Project on a Maker Magician

Short Film Project on a Maker Magician

How often do you see a magician building his own monkeybot assistant using cork, wire, and an Arduino? That’s Mario the Magician, and after receiving rave reviews, filmmaker Kal Toth is looking for funding to take his short (11-minute) film about Mario and turn it into a feature-length documentary.

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Your Projects

Your Projects

Here at MAKE we have decided to transform the Your Comments column into Your Projects. We love hearing what you have to say, but also love seeing what you’re making! These projects from our readers come from the MAKE Google+ Community and beyond.

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A Maker Wedding

A Maker Wedding

Software developer Phil Tucker of Toronto went all out for his wedding, creating some awesome personalized projects: rustic Edison-style hanging light fixtures, an animated Arduino LED matrix lounge table top, vinyl “flexi” record wedding invitations (complete with a lovely acoustic song the couple wrote themselves, called “Invited”), and even a bachelor party wireless accelerometer Stab-O-Meter, named after the Futurama character Roberto, the stabbing robot.

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