Felt Germ Pins
Creator and Flickr user crinolineshop puts it best describing these bacteria brooches: “felt pins featuring adorable germs!” From the CRAFT Flickr pool.
Creator and Flickr user crinolineshop puts it best describing these bacteria brooches: “felt pins featuring adorable germs!” From the CRAFT Flickr pool.
David @ MAKE caught up with Tobiah Mundt at Maker Faire Austin. She makes awesome and quirky needlefelted sculptures! We’ve posted her up here in the CRAFT blog lots: Waffle Bunny Needle Felted Umbrella Bat
PT @ MAKE points us to these cool sculptures by artist Emiy Barletta which use crochet and felting to interesting, organic effect. More: Interview with Artist Amy Long
I recently went to the Participatory Design Conference in Bloomington, Indiana, to present my Body-Technology Interfaces project and to get participants to make their own socially-aware, purposeful knitted technology “cozies.” Some of them were just fantastic, including the above pictured “I Am Talking on the Phone” by Yvonne Dittrich which draws attention to your hands-free […]
Core77 has a writeup with links to a few places offering different services for turning Fido’s hair into a fuzzy sweater. I like the subtitle of the book Knitting with Dog Hair: “Better A Sweater From A Dog You Know and Love Than From A Sheep You’ll Never Meet.”
Artist Andrew Salomone made this portrait of bigfoot from squares of fake fur. It’s called PhotoREAListic FAKE Fur Bigfoot and it’ll be on display at ellO Gallery in Portsmouth, NH. The opening of the show, called Monsters, is Friday at 5 pm.
By now we’ve all seen street sign poles tagged with knitting à la Knitta, but how about actual knitted street signs? Lime & Violet tips us off to the work of Canadian artist Laura Marsden.