
HOW TO make a Penny Arcade

HOW TO make a Penny Arcade

Penny1 Maker Don Brown writes “I have a hobby of creating arcade machines using computers and MAME. This is a budget arcade cabinet. Instead of a computer running the MAME software, the gaming is provided by a Namco TV Games 5-in-1 game controller, hacked for real arcade controls. So, instead of spending a few hundred on a computer, the controller is $20. Also, inside is a 14″ TV, saving money there too. The Penny Arcade plays Pacman, Galaxian, RallyX, DigDug, and Bosconian”. Link.

Duck Doom Deluxe

Duck Doom Deluxe

Dddscreens Someone made their own Duck hunt mash up – called Duck Doom deluxe, all the best things about Doom and Duck hunt in one game! DUCK DOOM Deluxe – An overhaul upgrade to the original Duck Doom, featuring new difficulty levels, graphics effects, remixed music & enhanced sound, the BFG-9000, and more! Link.

Sony’s secret PSP portal?

Sony’s secret PSP portal?

Here’s what seems to be a new portal from Sony for your PSP. It’s called “Test Page – Replace once site is confirmed working” so it doesn’t seem final- there are videos, wallpapers and a few other things to play around with- the links Sony has for news, tech and more are a bit bizarre, but perhaps that’s going to change. I still haven’t updated to the 2.0 firmware, but you can view it via a normal web browser. Link.