DIY waterproof GPS datalogger

DIY waterproof GPS datalogger

Steve writes in about the Sparkfun GPS data loggers, he built a waterproof version – “That unit from SFE is excellent! I packaged one in a waterproof case and use it for recording kayak and boat jaunts… I just nestled the hardware into a carved foam insert inside a SealLine Electronic Case. The wee antenna […]

DIY GPS logger

DIY GPS logger

Momnopole writes “In the current spate of discussions about GPS loggers I’m surprised you haven’t mentioned SparkFun’s kit. It not only provides a cheap kit for logging GPS to standard SD cards in a package smaller than a credit card but it also directly writes Keyhole Markup Language (.KML) files which may be instantly viewed […]

Cheap(er) GPS data logger

Cheap(er) GPS data logger

Scottiedog writes in with a cheaper GPS logger – “…I have used the unit at Omni Instruments and it’s down to $125.00 each at the moment including a rechargeable battery. Excellent value. Its amazing all the places you get to in one week :)” – Link. Update: Jeffry writes “Evermore DL-200 Vehicle Tracking Device With […]

TrackStick GPS data logger

TrackStick GPS data logger

An always logging GPS device for $249… little pricey, but I’ve made and re-made tons of GPS loggers, so I might try this out – “Containing 1MB of memory it can store up to 4000 records allowing for months of travel. When the TrackStick is not moving, memory is not used. The record interval is […]